Monday, July 20, 2009
Fancy Artsy Google
When I opened my browser this morning, I saw this:
I didn't notice it at first but eventually, I realized that the moon craters (or whatever it's called) spelled Google! [Pretty lame huh?]
Looks like Google's been extra creative.
Thumbs up for that!
[Bear with me, I just found it really cute.. that's all!]
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Pimp Your Mozilla Firefox!
Firefox Persona- This allow you to change how your browser looks! It's actually just a background image for your browser. It's different from a theme add-on. It's also easier though. Plus! When looking for a background, you can instantly see how it looks like on your browser by just hovering your mouse on the thumbnail image (or something like that)!
Colorful Tabs- Definitely cute. This allows you to have multicolored tabs! Makes tab browsing super cool!
Site Launcher- If you're too lazy to type in the urls of your frequently visited sites, you can just simply touch the ctrl +space +shortcut key and there you have it--- site accessed!
I know, this isn't really that new. I don't usually update my programs. But, if you haven't updated your firefox yet, better update it now!
Click here to start pimpin' your Firefox! ;)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I read an article in Yahoo before that doodling can enhance brain memory. So, I decided to conduct an experiment to see if it really works. [Haha! Just kidding!] I made these on my MST6 [Biodiversity] class. I just couldn't take in all the information about different animal and plant classification and whatsoever so I decide to transfer some of it through art, though I'm not sure if I was able to fully and correctly represent the lecture.
And btw,
both were made on a different day.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I can't believe that I'm wasting my break time for this! I'm supposed to be snoozing right now instead of reading pages of powerpoint presentations from our MST6 [Biodiversity] class.
Anyway, I can't wait to go home because of...
I cannot believe I wasn't able to see this when I passed by the Serendra Piazza last summer! Good thing I had the chance to go back there last week. :)
These were the best cupcakes that I have ever tasted so far!
I do hope they left some for me back home. I'd be utterly disappointed if they didn't. haha.
Cupcakes by Sonja can be found at the Serendra Piazza in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig, Metro Manila.
I just discovered that ******* has just opened in Makati!!!! (Clue: Clothing Store)
And what makes this store really cool?
Well, they just have these cool limited edition adidas sneaks, plus, JUNK FOOD, KID ROBOT, and DIM MAK shirts and more cool stuff!
Hope they'll have a Davao branch soon! *fingers crossed!*
Saturday, June 20, 2009
And still, he looks young.
Incubus is back! I've always been fond of their songs, and most especially, of BRANDON BOYD!!! *swoon* He still is hot! Don't you agree? Lol.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The WHO???? Bruno??
Okay, so like, first of all, I was having second thoughts on whether this is really Sacha Baron Cohen. He does look really fag in the July 2009 Marie Claire Cover [with Alessandra Ambrosio]. It's quite weird that Marie Claire's [UK] featuring Bruno though. But anyway, I honestly, can't wait to watch it. It would definitely be a good laugh especially for those people who speaks Fashion. Anyway, I was laughing my ass out when I read this on Marie Claire's site.!
READ Brüno's hilarious A-Z guide to fashion
A is for... AUSTRIA. Ze most amazing place in Europe. Ve’re all proud of our country und are raised to try und achieve ze Austrian dream – find a job, get a dungeon und raise a family in it.
B is for... BULIMIA. Still to me ze number one eating disorder if you want a great body. Ich vas in fact ze first Austrian to have bulimia, it vas 1987 – three years before Diana. No big deal votever.
C is for... CHINESE. Zere’s like over 500 billion of zem, yet zey don’t have one single model amongst them – vy is zat?
D is for... DESIGNERS. Fashion is ze most important und lifesaving of all ze sciences. Vood World War II ever have started if zere’d been a Berlin Fashion Veek in 1939? Ich don’t think so.
E is for... EIGHTY. About ze right number of hats to pack for a veekend avay.
F is for... FLORIAN. He’s mein godson, ich just vanted to mention him cos he makes me so proud. He’s only five, but Brüno has already taught him how to read, write und make himself throw up.
G is for... GIANT PANDA. Vot a beautiful, beautiful creature. A vord of vorning, though, its fur is not machine vashable.
H is for... HIGH-VAISTED JEANS. In terms of human tragedy on a mass scale, vy are zese not getting the attention zat Hurricane Katrina did?
I is for... INJUSTICE. Vy do zey give out Nobel Prizes for physics, medicine und svimming, but not for fashion?
J is for... JACOBS, MARC. Not just a fashion designer, but alzo an important œ Œ vorld leader und beacon of hope for ze future of mankind. Not one suicide bomber has ever blown zemselves up vearing Marc Jacobs – you do ze mathematisher.
K is for... KAMPF, MEIN . Ze fashion bible written by Austria’s black sheep, Adolf. It literally translates as ‘My Flamboyance’.
L is for... ZE ‘LITTLE BLACK CHILD’. Thanks to Madonna und Brüno, it’s zis season’s vardrobe essential.
M is for... MR UNIVERSE. Ich helped Arnie vin zis for his final time in 1984. Ich met him at ze vay-in vere he was just over ze weight limit und needed to lose two ounces in seven minutes. Ich vas only too happy to help out.
N is for... NAOMI. She’s amazing – 20 years in ze business und all ze pressure und fame hasn’t changed her a bit – she’s remained a total bitch.
O is for... ORLANDO BLOOM . He’s basically obsessed mit me. I don’t vant to use ze word stalker, but ven ich vas at Milan Fashion Veek I stayed at ze Hotel Malecci. Guess who checked in to ze same hotel two hours later… Orlando Bloom. Coincidence? Ich don’t think so.
P is for... PINK . Just vatching him now on MTV. A great singer, great fashion sense und so hunky!
Q is for... QUEEN OF FASHION. Zis, of course, can only be Anna Vintour. Still timelessly dignified, stylish and feminine, despite being in her fifties und a pre-op trannie.
R is for... RUNWAY MODEL. Can you believe zis, I’ve never been one!
S is for... SEPTEMBER 11TH 2001. Famous, of course, for being ze day on vich Oscar de la Renta reintroduced ze chambray peasant blouse.
T is for... TAMPONS. Ze perfect thing to snack on to keep zose hunger pangs avay und stay looking great. Just one heavy flow size vill leave you feeling full up for ze whole day.
U is for... UNDERVEAR. Try not to go mit out it too often or you’ll end up having to play hackysack mit your kugels just to keep zem off ze ground. Personally, ich just leave off mein unterhosen for appropriate occasions, like if I’m going to ze beach, or if I’m vearing a kilt und zere’s a chance ich vill be photographed getting out of a car.
V is for... VAXING. Hair removal und manscaping ist essential. Be careful if you do it yourself, though – yesterday ich tried to self-wax mein arschenhaller und glued meinself to ze bed. Even more important ist regular anal bleaching. In Austria, anal bleaching ist considered so important zat it’s paid for by ze state. In fact, you cannot run for office if you don’t have a vhite arschwitz. Zere are other benefits to getting ze bleaching – on my last session ze beautician, Klaus, found the long-lost head of a David Beckham action figure up zere.
W is for... WINEHOUSE, AMY. Ich bin sick of all ze haters – she is not too skinny, in fact, for ein junkie she ist actually zehr fat.
X is for... X-RAY PHOTOGRAPHS. Ich still look too fat!
Y is for... YOGURT. Peach flavour tastes best on ze vay back up.
Z is for... ZERO. Brüno’s dress size.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Pop Art
Then, I saw this Andy Warhol print in...I think it was a F&H shirt [I'm just not sure] and was like, who is he? Sooo, I googled him and voila! I discovered Pop Art. [I'm totally new to this thing since I haven't taken AH5 yet.]
Okay, so I'm not actually going to discuss the history and the concept of Pop Art. It's for you to google. Haha. Anyway, I've never actually thought that those shirts with vintage prints [and so are some bags or notebooks etc.] are Pop Art inspired! And now, I'm loving it because honestly, from what I've discovered, and based from my opinion, the introduction of Pop Art was the most creative thing that was ever introduced in the advertising industry.
And this explains why I made this:
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Is economic recession behind this?
Seriously, Multiply is going to be the next ebay!
I found a new site with crazy ass pictures. [Credits to BB's Twitter]
And I came across these OMFG-WHAT-THE-HELL-IS-WRONG-WITH-YOU-PEOPLE entries from Failblog which came from Yahoo!Answers. [LMAO!]
[click pictures to read the whole thing]
I know that some people ask some dumb questions in Yahoo!Answers but this is by far, the dumbest questions I've ever read!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Summer Bummer
Summer! by missL0uise featuring Brian Atwood heels & wedges
I'm actually beginning to love this polyvore thing.
It's definitely a chic and fashionable way to kill boredom.
I found this amazing site where most of the Hollywood stars express themselves in a crazy manner. I've totally laughed my ass out while reading their comments. And I think it's really them, though I'm only 45 % sure. [hahaha].
And the Search Goes on...
I'm talking about the shoes!!! Look at 'em!!! [Oh yes, guys, it is possible that a person could fall in love with a non living thing, it's just the same thing with your gadgets and cars! ] Anyway, I've searched for hours to know the brand of these red suede boots but unfortunately, I'm not that much of an expert in google-ing things. I tried reading the comments back in thesartorialist and they were saying that these were Jimmy Choo's though I've also tried searching all the Jimmy Choo shoes but BOOHOO! these weren't there! So? Can you give me proof!? hah!
Okay. It's not like I'm going to purchase it or whatever.
I just wanted to know...
Passion for Fashion indeed.
The Beginning
I guess I just like the sound of it.
Anyway, the MH has finally succumbed to the complicated world of blogger! [hooray!--don't think so]
Wordpress has been so boring lately but I'm still keeping the MH though...simplicity just makes you focus on those philosophical contemplations ;)
This time, I promise I won't turn this blog into all of those "all about me" crap.
I'll try my best to put a lot of crazy stuff here, so friends!! BEWARE!! HAHAH!